At least once a day, let your imagination get in the way! ~Issac Webb

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Snow Queens


Abigail Rogers said...

I see that you have homeschooling listed as one of your interests! Perhaps you would be interested in following my blog:

As often as possible I post recipes, ideas, projects, pictures, and just random information. Pop in and leave a comment!

P.S. I love your artwork!

Prairiemouse said...

As usual your art work is AWESOME. I love how you changed your header pic. Laur., you are an awesome artist, very inspiring.

Alice said...

these are awesome, laurie! such beautiful, fun work. and i love your topper and name - fun and upbeat!

Anonymous said...

Love it! It's striking.

Jennivie Wirries said...

These are glorious!