At least once a day, let your imagination get in the way! ~Issac Webb

Sunday, January 31, 2010

IF - Focused

Focused: Obviously on her love of spicey foods!

Check out other entries for this week's theme at...

Click on image to enlarge.


Indigene said...

The colors are amazing, I can taste that chili pepper! Hmmm...Bravo!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Your work is sooooo chic and fresh! Love the line work and the delicious color palette! Great work.

Laure Ferlita said...

Looks like a debate as to whether she should or she shouldn't!

josh pincus is crying said...

terrific coloring!

Alice said...

i always love your drawings! you are so creative and gifted!

Prairiemouse said...

LOVE ITTTT!! Can't say I would go for it and eat that lil pepper but the color is wonderful and I love her facial expression.

Cheryl Ann said...

Your illustrations are always so wonderful...

° said...

like you colors and your line work in this

Unknown said...

Nice illo!

Unknown said...

I love the colors and the composition!