At least once a day, let your imagination get in the way! ~Issac Webb

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Illustration Friday - Imperfect

*I'm* perfect!
...just the way I am. :)

Click image to enlarge.



Ray Ferguson said...

Very clever!

Mindful Drawing said...

The Illustration Friday thumbnail showed only the head of this man and I thought 'This will relate Imperfect to Socrates'. Is he? :-)

Hi I'm Laurie... said...

Ahhh...Paula, you really are the "Mindful" One! Thank you for crediting my sketch with such possibly lofty meaning. It made me smile. I am, however, in the "don't think about it too hard - you may get a headache" camp when it comes to Socrates! :)

Visited your blog - loved it!